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The World Explained in Maps and Graphs (25 pics)

Visualisation of which parts of the multiplication table 5-8 year old students found the most difficult. 
Boobs vs Butt searches on Pornhub

The most watched sports events in the world

The most frequent sites of "missed connections" on Craigslist in each region
College Textbook Prices vs Average Consumer Prices Over Last 45 Years
Same-Sex Marriage Is Now Legal For A Majority Of The U.S
Distribution of income during expansions
Yes, money does buy happiness
U.S. income taxes over time
Pornhub Traffic Changes During Super Bowl XLIX
When in life you’re most likely to be dealing with the cops
Surnames of Licensed Manicurists in Texas
Percentage of U.S. College Students by Race
How are Muslims & Jews viewed around the world?
What we’re afraid of vs. what actually kills us
Percentage of students using free and reduced lunch programs from 1969 to 2014
9 Out Of 10 Big Pharma Companies Spent More On Marketing Than On R&D
Measles cases reported in the United States
At what age are you in your prime?
Small jumps in salary if you have less than college degree
How often do you shower per week on average?
Heart rate (bpm) during marriage proposal
The most-viewed YouTube videos
How is the United States viewed around the world?
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