#1 The Wedding of the Year
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are two of the biggest names in acting, and their status as husband and wife make them potentially the most recognizable couple on the planet. Their wedding, not surprisingly, was no small affair.

#2 Chateau Miraval It is!
Why pay thousands to rent out a stranger’s castle when you have your own? Brangelina decided that their wedding would take place at their own crib, Chateau Miraval, which had a tight 1,000 acres to work with.

#3 First Comes Baby, Then Comes Marriage
Brad and Angelina definitely did not rush into the whole marriage thing, they popped out three kids and adopted more before he even put a ring on it. As it turns out, the kids were the ones that finally convinced their Braddy to pop the question in Spring 2012.

#4 August 23rd, 2014: A Day of Wedded Bliss
We are sure that in the coming year or two you will see the number of August 23rd weddings absolutely skyrocket. After all, who does not want to get married just like Brangelina? If only they could get the keys to the castle…

#5 How Could These Two Not Get Hitched?
Brad and Angelina have been together for over nine years, and the rumors of eventual marriage have been rampant pretty much throughout. But, true to theirstyle, they had a low key ceremony that nobody outside of the family knew about until days later.

#6 Family and Friends, No Crazy Stuff
Brad and Angelina, for all of their immense stardom, are down to earth and often buck celebrity stereotypes. From the sincere adoption of needy children to theirparticipation in the revival of New Orleans, they are not the media whoring LA-celebs that give stars a bad name.

#7 The Couple We All Look Up To
As much as the President and first lady put off a nice vibe, does this couple not look like the two individuals you would want running your country? Brangelina for Prez, 2016!
#8 Love Don’t Lie
You can tell when love is genuine, and when two people are just acting. Now, being professional actors, maybe they have both been playing the roles of their relative lifetimes while fooling us all, but we would bet that it is more likely to be genuine love.

#9 Brad Makes Her a Righteous Woman
Angelina is WAY, way too beautiful not to have a ring on her finger. Brad got her the ring and the husband every woman in America would love to have.

#10 Finally! A Proper Family
We here at Likes believe that Brangelina’s shameless selfless adoption of so many children in addition to their own is nothing short of noble. But now they are a true, by the book family!